On Suicide bombings

Interesting quote from a topic discussion from BBC on Iraq's Election:

"There is no comment received from members of the insurgency. But if there had, what would it say i wonder? After all, what possible reason would they have to blow themselves up? Is it to prove a political point? Is it because they love Saddam? or is it because a foreign power has occupied their land and has killed tens of thousands of their people, possibly their own family.
Which of those reasons would you blow yourself up for? Dont buy the Bush democracy BS, his concept of democracy, (remember his dodgy vote counting in Florida, twice), is not worth the value of a single death."

- Dave S, London

No religion in the world teaches blowing themselves up. Suicidal bombings certainly is not for religous causes. I hope, more people can be aware of this, especially those from the Western world. I'm glad Mr Dave S is showing a good example of an educated and rational Westerner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hai apai..behnye journey..len kali ajak kitorang sekali..dua kali ke..tiga kali ke..paham tak komen lam bahasa melayu neh..ke nak kena speaking gak..hehehe

nazek dah tukaq id yahoo baru